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We are specialists

We train mastery of everyday activities. We rehabilitate epilepsy, neurorehabilitate brain injuries and provide social habilitation.


When everyday life is difficult to manage

Rehabilitation after psychosocial assessment for adults

Rehabilitation can be offered after a psychosocial assessment for adult patients with epilepsy who need cognitive assessment when it is difficult to accept epilepsy and cope with everyday life.

When specialized rehabilitation is needed, we offer a longer inpatient stay with multidisciplinary care. With resources in mind, you are trained and supported in the use of compensatory strategies for increased mastery of everyday life.


Physiotherapy and occupational therapy

We specialize in rehabilitation

The goal of rehabilitation and maintenance training is to enable you to manage your daily life with the least amount of help and the highest possible quality of life – physically, mentally and socially.

Our patients come from the Epilepsy Hospital.

Physiotherapists and occupational therapists specializing in rehabilitation carry out the examinations and treatment. If it fits the individual patient’s goals, all activities of daily living can be included in the rehabilitation and the development of the rehabilitation plan/deliverable in close collaboration with the multidisciplinary team.

Get in touch with the departments