Professional Referral
How to refer
The free hospital choice ensures that patients can freely choose the Epilepsy Hospital for examination and treatment—on par with public hospitals.
Professional Referral
How to Refer
Here you can find location numbers.
Professional Referral
Who can refer?
The Epilepsy Hospital
General practitioners, specialists, and the neurological and pediatric departments of the regions can refer to the hospital.
Residential and Day Programs
The municipalities are the authorities that refer to residential and day programs.
Professional Referral
Approved by the Danish Health Authority
The Epilepsy Hospital is approved by the Danish Health Authority. If the waiting time exceeds 30 days, the patient has the right to choose treatment at the Epilepsy Hospital, which has an agreement with Danish Regions.
Professional Referral
Filadelfia is a unique organization that, with its holistic approach, offers something truly special in the fields of epilepsy and acquired brain injury.