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Behandling af Epilepsi for børn

For children and young people

We have patients from all over the country and extensive experience in treating severe cases of epilepsy. We help the whole family.

Number of single rooms


Children in the hospital


Children with epilepsy


Number of employees


Behandling af epilepsi for børn

Den gode forberedelse

Vi har samlet en række praktiske spørgsmål, og svar inden du ankommer til Filadelfia.


  • Medication (eye drops and creams etc.) in original packaging
  • Seizure calendar and vaccination cards
  • Toiletries
  • Sleepwear and pacifiers
  • Toys and books – preferably favorite toys such as dolls and teddy bears.
  • Clothes and shoes for outdoor play
  • We carry one brand of diapers, so it may be a good idea to bring your child’s own diapers.
  • If the child or young person is on special diets, tube feeding or something else, it is a good idea to bring their own food for the first few days.


There is public transport with trains and buses within walking distance. We also have large parking lots close by. There are Clever charging stations for electric cars at Laboratoriet, Kolonivej 11, Dianalund.


We offer inpatient education for children and young people of school age. Teaching takes place in small classes with four to five students. Every year, the school helps to educate 90 children and young people.


A parent can stay with the child in the patient room. The other parent or relative has the option to stay at the patient hotel very close to the hospital.

Fra ung til voksen

Many young patients with epilepsy find the transition from pediatric to adult wards difficult as they encounter new approaches, procedures, doctors and nurses. We encourage you to contact us if you need to talk about things that are important to you.

We offer talks on topics such as sleep, sexuality, alcohol and medication. You may also have questions about mental health symptoms such as anxiety and depression. Remember, you are not alone and we are here to help you.

Behandlig af epilepsi for børn

Behandling af epilepsi

Langt de fleste mennesker med epilepsi får god gavn af medicin, som virker. Filadelfia behandler mennesker med svær epilepsi. Der er flere måder at behandle på.

Medicinsk behandling

Medication is the most common treatment for epilepsy. 70% of them become seizure-free on the first choice of medication.

Personlig medicin

If there is a genetic cause for the epilepsy, it can pave the way for personalized medical treatment. Personalized medicine is tailored to the individual patient and is developed to suit each person’s particular variation of genes. There is only targeted treatment for a small number of genetic epilepsies, but this is likely to change in the coming years.

Nervus vagus stimulator

Filadelfia treats both children and adults with the Vagus Nervus Stimulator, VNS. It is a current stimulator that the doctor inserts just below the collarbone. It periodically sends small electronic signals to the brain via the vagus nerve. The signals can help ease, shorten or stop seizures.

Filadelfia has extensive experience in assessing whether VNS can help you. The implantation itself takes place at Rigshospitalet or Aarhus University Hospital. All children with VNS are followed at Filadelfia. We have treatment courses with stimulator adjustment for optimal treatment.


There are many hours of research behind a surgical procedure. This is done in close interdisciplinary collaboration between doctors, neurophysiologists, neuropsychologists, radiologists and neurosurgeons. A team of at least 10 specialists assess over the course of a year whether the patient is suitable for surgery.

It takes place in close interdisciplinary collaboration between Rigshospitalet and Filadelfia.

Traditionally, surgical treatment has been open surgery. Today, half of all surgeries are invasive, i.e. laser surgery. Every year, around 45 people undergo surgery for epilepsy. About 60 percent become seizure-free.

Photo of Professor Sándor Beniczky in the office at the Epilepsy Hospital, Filadelfia in Dianalund
Professor Sándor Beniczky from the Epilepsy Hospital, Filadelfia is helping to screen patients for epilepsy surgery

Ketogen diætbehandling

Ketogenic treatment may be relevant if you do not benefit from medication.

At Filadelfia, we offer three types of dietary treatment for both children and adolescents. Treatments begin as an outpatient at the Epilepsy Hospital, where doctors examine the patient and have a preparatory conversation. Hospitalization typically takes place from Monday to Friday.

  • Classic Ketogenic Diet
  • MCT Diet
  • Modified Diet.

The food contains high amounts of fat, sufficient protein and minimal amounts of carbohydrates. The diet creates ketones that the brain uses as an energy source – they help keep seizures away. It is very important to follow the diet carefully. Half of the patients on diet therapy have at least 50% fewer seizures. Treatment often improves sleep and general well-being.

Photo of food under the ketogenic diet category at the Epilepsy Hospital, Filadelfia in Dianalund
Food under the ketogenic diet category at Epilepsihospitalet, Filadelfia in Dianalund

Behandling af epilepsi for børn

Børn med Epilepsi

We recommend that a parent or grandparent is present during the hospitalization – for the child’s safety.

Visiting hours in the ward are free, but consideration must be given to epilepsy examinations, activities and other life in the ward.

The playground is unique and designed for children and young people with epilepsy. Here, doctors, nurses and therapists observe children and adolescents’ possibilities rather than limitations. That’s why you need to go to the playground every day – and it’s important to bring clothes for outdoor play and exercise.

There are ward rounds every day. The section is closed on weekends.

Behandling af epilepsi for børn

Hvad kan du selv gøre?

Der er en række ting, som børn og unge selv kan gøre for at mestre hverdagslivet.

Følg din medicinplan nøje

If you are on medication to prevent seizures, take your medication regularly and as directed by your doctor. Do not change the dosage or stop the medication without your doctor’s approval.

Sov tilstrækkeligt

Lack of sleep can trigger seizures in some people with epilepsy. Make sure you have a healthy sleep routine and get enough rest.

Undgå udløsende faktorer

For most people, epileptic seizures come on suddenly and without warning. Know the factors that can trigger seizures for you and try to avoid them. It could be forgetting to take your medication, poor or no sleep, physical or mental stress, alcohol or flashing lights.

Brug en anfalds app

Keep an electronic diary/calendar of your seizures and any triggers. It is important for the doctor to have an overview of your seizures.

Kom i kontakt med Neuropædiatrisk Afdeling

Department of Neuropaediatrics
Dr. Sells Vej 23
4293 Dianalund

Bed ward
Phone: 5827 1101
Email: fil-boerneafd@filadelfia.dk

Pediatric outpatient clinic
Phone: 5827 1059
Email: fil-boerneamb@filadelfia.dk

Use digital mail for sensitive information. You can find us as a recipient under the category: Region Zealand -> Hospitals -> Filadelfia -> Department or institution.

Behandling af epilepsi for børn

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