Behandling af Epilepsi for børn
For children and young people
We have patients from all over the country and extensive experience in treating severe cases of epilepsy. We help the whole family.
Behandling af epilepsi for børn
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Behandlig af epilepsi for børn
Behandling af epilepsi
Langt de fleste mennesker med epilepsi får god gavn af medicin, som virker. Filadelfia behandler mennesker med svær epilepsi. Der er flere måder at behandle på.
Behandling af epilepsi for børn
Børn med Epilepsi
We recommend that a parent or grandparent is present during the hospitalization – for the child’s safety.
Visiting hours in the ward are free, but consideration must be given to epilepsy examinations, activities and other life in the ward.
The playground is unique and designed for children and young people with epilepsy. Here, doctors, nurses and therapists observe children and adolescents’ possibilities rather than limitations. That’s why you need to go to the playground every day – and it’s important to bring clothes for outdoor play and exercise.
There are ward rounds every day. The section is closed on weekends.
Behandling af epilepsi for børn
Hvad kan du selv gøre?
Der er en række ting, som børn og unge selv kan gøre for at mestre hverdagslivet.
Behandling af epilepsi for Børn
Kom i kontakt med Neuropædiatrisk Afdeling
Department of Neuropaediatrics
Dr. Sells Vej 23
4293 Dianalund
Bed ward
Phone: 5827 1101
Pediatric outpatient clinic
Phone: 5827 1059
Use digital mail for sensitive information. You can find us as a recipient under the category: Region Zealand -> Hospitals -> Filadelfia -> Department or institution.