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Center of Rehabilitation

Day services for adults

A meaningful daily life for you with epilepsy, an acquired brain injury, and complex physical and psychological challenges. We work closely with relatives.

Number of places


Number of employees


Number of workshops






Center of Rehabilitation

Sheltered Employment

Our workshops fall under §103. The workday and tasks are arranged according to abilities and interests. The staff have educational and craft backgrounds and work using neuro-pedagogical approaches. They are ready to guide and support. 

Assembly Workshop

In the assembly workshops, we work for external companies. For example, we assemble valves for air conditioning systems that are sold worldwide. Occasionally, we handle special tasks, such as packing tea or assembling and packing promotional gifts for advertising companies.

The Creative Workshop

In the Creative Workshop, we work with crafts within the field of decorative arts.

We sew both by machine and by hand. We work with patchwork, embroidery, leather, knitting, crocheting, weaving, and more. For example, we recycle rubber from tractor tubes to produce bags. We also make jewelry. The items are sold in the Workshop Store.

The Woodworking Workshop

In the Woodworking Workshop, we focus on tool knowledge, handling of hand tools and machines, and product knowledge in the form of different types of wood and their uses. There is room for creative expression as well as more structured tasks. The items are sold in the Workshop Store.

The Workshop Store

The Workshop Store sells products mainly produced in our creative workshops. It also functions as a hospital kiosk, selling items such as personal care products, candy, and soft drinks. Our store operates as a §103 workshop according to SEL, with attached educational staff.

The Outdoor Team

The Outdoor Team works under §103 according to SEL for sheltered employment, handling tasks related to the operation and maintenance of buildings, machinery, and care of green areas, greenhouse, herb garden, firewood production, as well as service tasks for Filadelfia, depending on the season.

We have six hens. They were carefully selected by the users of the Outdoor Team, who collect kitchen scraps from Filadelfia every day to feed the hens.

Center of Rehabilitation

The Activity House

The Activity House is our §104 activity and social service. The staff have educational backgrounds, and the pedagogical work is based on neuro-pedagogy. We work in learning communities that develop abilities for self-determination, participation, and inclusion. We focus on individual competencies, where personal, professional, and social development come into play.

Outdoor Life

At the Activity House Outdoor Life, we use nature as a learning space. We incorporate body and movement into our daily activities, which may include long walks, activities in the gym, maintaining flower boxes in the town’s shopping center, cooking over a campfire, and more.

Activity House South

At Activity House South, we focus on social community, wellness, and singing and music. Our daily activities are structured around a shared overview of the day’s content and may include wellness chair exercises, manicures, mindfulness, and more. We play board games, go on outings, and host request concerts and group singing with a musician.

Activity House North

At Activity House North, we focus on social community, communication tools, and sensory stimulation. Our daily activities are built around daily visual planning and may include outings, social interaction within the group, and strengthening motor skills through creative projects and physical activity.


Bromme Day Service is a §104 service and is an offer for people who need a smaller learning environment in beautiful natural surroundings, with a focus on individual competencies and interests.

Center of Rehabilitation

Meaning in everyday life

You develop socially and professionally to live as independently as possible. Our staff have strong professional competencies as educators, workshop assistants, and craftsmen. We work closely with relatives.

Epileptic seizures

Our staff are trained in epilepsy and know exactly what to do if a user has an epileptic seizure. No one is alone; we are always there. We can manage seizures and call in a specialist from the Epilepsy Hospital, Filadelfia. Our extensive experience and skills provide the freedom to go on outings and attend concerts.

Friends and communities

We support communities and create positive experiences together. Humor and good spirits go hand in hand at the Rehabilitation and Development Center. We embrace each other’s differences and support one another, ensuring that everyone has a good day.

Everyday life

As an employee in sheltered employment or in the social companionship program, we take special care of you and consider your challenges. At the sheltered workshop, you receive a salary and have a regular workday with set meeting times and breaks.


Tilsynsrapport 2024

Contact us

Center of Rehabillitation
Værkstedsvej 1-3
4293 Dianalund

Monday to Thursday from 8 to 16
Friday from 8 to 13

Telefon: 5827 1330
Sikker post: reh-udv@filadelfia.dk